Saturday, April 7, 2012

technically, IT"S NOT MY FAULT

Grandits, J. (2004).  Technically, it's not my fault.  New York:  Houghton Mifflin Company.

This book of concrete poems is a great read for grades 5-8!  John Grandits' ability to write figurative language as an 11 year old boy named Robert is so wonderful, you would not realize he was not eleven!  Robert speculates on things from his crazy sister to things of mundane nature such as pizza and baseball.  He also has an active imagination as one of his poems shows the evolution of a new word:  snarpy and he wonders why no one has invented scratch and sniff fart stickers.  Each poem is written in a shape that has something to do with the poem, therefore making it  concrete poetry.  For instance, my favorite is called "The Thank-You Letter".  It is written like it is on a piece of paper and has added footnotes at the bottom of the page, which will have you cracking up, because it lets you know what he truly thinks as he writes this note to his aunt.  Some of the other poems are in the shape of a street, a clock, a pizza, and a house.  This book of poetry would be a great way to get boys involved and excited about reading poetry just because it is not what everyone thinks of when they hear the word "poetry".  I chose this book because it was written from the aspect of a middle school aged boy and I wanted to see how boys might relate.  I think it is a wonderful book and lots of fun to read, whether boy or girl!
Big Questions:  Why do you think Robert didn't write about his teachers?  Parents?  What other things would you write about? 

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